#7: Scythe: The Wind Gambit and Campaigns

Mark and Walker discuss many things Stonemaier games, and ask the rhetorical question: why does everything gotta have a campaign? They then try to answer that question, because they don't know what rhetorical means.

Games Played Last Week:
-Alien Artifacts (Marcin Senior Ropka & Viola Kijowska, Portal, 2017)
-Charterstone (Jamey Stegmaier, Stonemaier Games, 2017)
-El Grande (Wolfgang Kramer & Richard Ulrich, Hans im Gluck, 1995)
-Antiquity (Joroen Doumen & Joris Wiersinga, Splotter, 2004)
-Monikers (Alex Hague & Justin Vickers, Palm Court, 2015)
-One Night Ultimate Werewolf (Ted Alspach & Akihisa Okui, Bezier Games, 2014)
-Pandemic Legacy Season 2 (Rob Daviau & Matt Leacock, Z-Man, 2017)
-Sakura Arms (Baka Fire, AEG, 2017)