#112: Solo Gaming

Isolation gaming continues, so we turn our lonely eyes to gaming alone--an endeavour that predates plague-induced solitude, but is certainly thriving now. Many a gamer is experimenting with those (increasingly frequent) variants for the first time. We understand--any port in a storm. Let us game alone together.

AYURIS: Coimbra 1m48s (Flaminia Brasini & Virginio Gigli, eggertspiele, 2018)

Games Played Last Week:
-Imperial Settlers: Empires of the North 3m32s (Joanna Kijanka & Ignacy Trzewiczek, Portal Games, 2019)
-The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine 8m43s (Thomas Sing, KOSMOS, 2019)
-The Fox in the Forest Duet 16m52s (Foxtrot Games, Foxtrot Games, 2020)
-The Quiet Year 18m20s (Avery Alder, Buried Without Ceremony, 2013)
-Radiant: Offline Battle Arena 22m57s (Jack Murray, Heel Turn Games, 2019)
-Hansa Teutonica 24m23s (Andreas Steding, Argentum Verlag, 2009)
-Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire 26m51s (David Sanders, Games Workshop, 2017)
-The Quest for El Dorado: The Golden Temples 30m31s (Reiner Knizia, Ravensburger, 2019)

News (and why it doesn't matter):
-My Little Scythe: Pie in the Sky 33m18s
-Ascension Tactics 34m14s
-Frosthaven 36m52s
-Ankh: Gods of Egypt 40m24s
-They Live 41m41s

Topic: Solo Gaming 43m05s