#260: The Game Must Flow

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We get introspective this week, or at least as much as the editorial gibbons allow. If we get too deep they get nervous, and as every podcaster will tell you, nervous gibbons are bad for the show. Walker, Mark alleges, is a masochist who sacrifices himself on the altar of speed, which may or may not mean game flow; Walker counters that Mark abuses the takesies-backsies. 

01:50 AYURIS: Imperium: Classics and Imperium: Legends (Nigel Buckle & Dávid Turczi, Osprey Games, 2021)

Games Played Last Week:
06:13 -XenoShyft: Dreadmire (Michael Shinall, CMON, 2017)
11:24 -Raccoon Tycoon (Glenn Drover, Forbidden Games, 2018)
16:01 -Dwellings of Eldervale (Luke Laurie, Breaking Games, 2020)
20:37 -Code of Nine (BakaFire, Z-Man Games, 2012)
22:47 -Akropolis (Jules Messaud, Gigamic, 2022)
25:47 -Ortus Regni (Jon Sudbury, Jon Sudbury Games, 2014)
29:11 -Rallyman: DIRT (Jean-Christophe Bouvier, Holy Grail Games, 2023)
38:21 -Resist! (Trevor Benjamin, Roger Tankersley, and David Thompson, Salt & Pepper Games, 2022)

News (and why it doesn't matter):
41:14 Support us on Patreon! Tons of exclusive content and bennies at www.patreon/svwag 
42:41 Mike Hutchinson's Hobgoblin on Kickstarter
43:34 Walker's Who Asked for This? Call of Duty: The Board Game by Arcane Wonders
44:39 Walker's Who Asked for This? The Last Spell: The Board Games
45:23 Path of Civilization by Fabien Gridel, simultaneous play Civ game
45:48 Altay: Dawn of Civilization by Paolo Mori and Ole Steiness, deck-building/kingdom-building
46:14 Revive: Call of the Abyss expansion
47:15 Bitoku: Resutoran expansion
47:36 Ernest et Célestine, co-operative back-drawing from Space Cow
48:27 Non-Key game from Richard Breese: The Glade

48:59 Topic: The Games Must Flow