#44: Discover: Lands Unknown and Overused Themes

We are an easily-triggered group, we geeks, we nerds; so allow us to exercize due diligence and offer the following warnings. Spoiler Alert: we discuss what spoilers are. Meta Alert: we get pretty meta about spoilers. Existentialism Alert: Walker gets pretty existential (parenthetical alert: you might have figured Mark would instead, but he has very little time for existentialism, being more modern than post-modern).

Games Played Last Week:
-Endeavor: Age of Sail 1m41s (Carl de Visser & Jarratt Gray, Burst Island Games, 2018)
-Spinderella 5m06s (Roberto Fraga, Zoch Verlag, 2015)
-Everdell 7m38s (James A. Wilson, Starling Games, 2018)
-Western Legends 7m59s (Hervé Lemaître, Kolossal, 2018)
-Assault on Doomrock 12m40s (Tom Stasiak, Beautiful Disaster, 2014)
-Sakura Arms 15m38s (BakaFire, AEG, 2016)
-Space Cadets: Away Missions 17m35s (Dan Raspler & Al Rose, Stronghold, 2015)

News (and why it doesn't matter)
-How many states past the 51st are we up to? 18m51s
-Flicking, puns, and strategy 20m12s
-A bear park for more godless killing machines 21m31s

Feature Game: Discover: Lands Unknown 22m30s (Corey Konieczka, Fantasy Flight, 2018)

Topic: Overused Themes 50m12s